Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Wilco Chardonnay

My next brew is overdue: the last bottle of Young's Chardonnay May '14 was drunk last weekend. Sad times. It's really noticeable how the wine has improved with age over the months we've been drinking it.

Now for an own brand wine. Still Chardonnay; this time Wilkinson's. On offer today, reduced from £23 to £15. Bargain!

While mixing in the yeast, I came up with another theory of how/why the previous wine bubbled over: perhaps the yeast was not fully mixed into the liquid, and so all the fermentation happened on the surface. Time may tell...

This time, the yeast has been thoroughly mixed, and as a bonus I remembered to take the original gravity reading: 1070. Now I should be able to calculate the alcoholic strength.